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pregnant woman curious about the top 7 pregnancy symptoms

 7 Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Are you finding yourself nauseous, fatigued, or having a missed period? These are a couple of potential pregnancy symptoms. However, the only way to start getting answers about a potential pregnancy is to begin with a pregnancy test. 

Get free medical-grade pregnancy testing at Ascend Women’s Center today, followed up by a limited OB ultrasound if you qualify. We’re here to help you gain the clarity you need.

7 Common Pregnancy Symptoms

Here are some common pregnancy symptoms that may point to pregnancy, according to the Mayo Clinic:

1. Missed period. If your period has been late for a week or more without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you could be pregnant. This symptom can be confusing if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

2. Tender, swollen breasts. Your breasts may be sensitive and sore early in pregnancy. The discomfort will likely decrease after a few weeks as your body adjusts to hormonal changes.

3. Nausea (with or without vomiting). Morning sickness often occurs between one to two months after you become pregnant. However, some women feel nausea earlier, and some never experience it. While the cause of nausea during pregnancy isn’t clear, pregnancy hormones likely play a role.

4. Increased urination. You may be going to the bathroom more than normal. The amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, causing your kidneys to process extra fluid that ends up in your bladder.

5. Fatigue. Fatigue is a very common early symptom of pregnancy. A major rise in the levels of the hormone progesterone during early pregnancy might contribute to fatigue.

6. Moodiness. The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings are also common.

7. Bloating. Your hormones could be everywhere right now, causing you to feel bloated. It’s similar to how you feel on your period. 

Do You Experience Irregular Periods?

Knowing if you’re pregnant can be even more difficult if you experience irregular periods often. Irregular periods can become irregular or even stop because of other health conditions, extreme weight changes, stress, and more. 

Take a pregnancy test 36 days after your last menstrual period or four weeks after you had sex for accurate test results when experiencing irregular periods. 

Free Pregnancy Testing

If you’ve taken an at-home pregnancy test and it’s come back positive, the next step is to follow up with medical-grade pregnancy testing and an ultrasound. Ascend Women’s Center can offer both at no cost to you because we care about your health.

Contact us today to schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment. We’re here to support you along the way.

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