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If your partner recently told you she’s pregnant, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed with questions. You might be wondering:

  • How can I support my partner?
  • What if I’m not ready to be a father?
  • What if I don’t agree with my partner’s pregnancy decision?
  • What are my rights as a father?

No matter what you’re feeling or thinking, it’s all normal. But you’re not alone in this. We’re here for you.

We offer support especially for men, which includes:

  • Fatherhood mentorship
  • Parenting classes
  • Space to ask questions and receive information

Not sure where to turn? Contact us today to find support. All appointments and services are free and confidential.

Steps You Can Take

If your partner recently told you she’s pregnant, taking the following steps can help:

    • Confirm the pregnancy through medical-grade pregnancy testing and a follow-up ultrasound. We offer these services for free.
    • Know all you can about the available pregnancy options. Each choice will be life-changing, and you and your partner need to be as informed as possible about each option and ensure that all your questions are answered.
    • Support your partner. Your feelings and opinions about the pregnancy are valid, but it’s essential that you help your partner feel supported in this process. No matter what your partner is thinking about the pregnancy, let her know you’re there for her.
    • Don’t pressure your partner into a pregnancy decision. If you don’t agree with her pregnancy choice, that’s okay. But it’s ultimately her choice to make. If you two don’t agree, talking to a third party, like a counselor, can help you two determine how to move forward together in this process. We offer free options counseling to give you both medically accurate information about the pregnancy options that are available.

You aren’t alone in this. Contact us today to be connected to one of our caring team members.

Safe and Supportive Care

Empowering you.