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Thinking about parenting can fill you with questions:

How can I provide for a baby if I’m not financially stable?

What if my partner doesn’t support me?

What if I’m still in school?

No matter what you’re feeling or what concerns you have, parenting may be possible—and resources are available to help you become a successful, confident parent.

Read on to learn if parenting is right for you and what resources are available. Or, if you want to talk to someone in person about your pregnancy options, schedule your no-cost, confidential appointment today.

Is parenting right for me?

Choosing to parent is a complex process, but asking yourself the following questions can help you get started:

  • Do I have the support of my partner, family, or friends? If not, where can I go to find support?
  • Am I financially stable? If not, where can I go to find financial help?
  • Am I still in school? If so, how can I finish my degree while parenting?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, that’s okay! We’re here to help you walk through them and learn more about the resources and services that are available to help you successfully parent.

Parenting Resources

No matter your circumstances or life situation, parenting may be possible. In fact, many women have chosen parenting for their pregnancies and found it to be the most rewarding decision they could have made.

We offer parenting and life skills courses to help you feel prepared for parenthood. These courses cover:

  • Pregnancy
  • Birth preparation
  • Breastfeeding
  • Baby care
  • Nutrition
  • Much more!

These courses also give you the opportunity to earn baby items, including diapers, wipes, bottles, a pack-n-play, and more.

We can also connect you with community referrals that can help you find access to medical care, housing, and food.

Next Steps

While only you can know if parenting is right for you, we’re here to help. We offer no-cost pregnancy resources to help give you the information you need to make an informed decision. Contact us today to be connected to one of our caring team members.

Safe and Supportive Care

Empowering you.