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woman curious about how to tell her parents that she is pregnant

How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

We understand that telling your parents about your unplanned pregnancy can feel intimidating. You may really care about how your parents are going to react. That’s very understandable.

Though this step is often the hardest part, you are braver than you know. Everyone goes through an unexpected turn in life, and it’s important to extend grace to yourself during this process. 

No matter what happens next, know that you are not alone. Our team at Ascend Women’s Center is here to walk with you.

Come up with a Plan

Coming up with a plan for this conversation is important for your parents’ sake and your own. You can share the news much more smoothly when you have somewhat of a pregnancy plan in place.

A pregnancy plan can include knowing where your partner stands in this journey, how far along you are, and what pregnancy options you’re considering. This plan could definitely change, but having an idea of what’s next is important to come prepared with when speaking to your parents.

Find a Time That Works

Sharing your pregnancy news at the right time in the right place is key. Choose a time when your parents have the capacity to process it well. Pick when they are most relaxed, on a weekend or after work.

Where you share the news is just as important as when. Talk in a comfortable and private place like their home so they can be present without distractions. If you can, tell your parents together so you only have to share this news once.

Listen Well

No one ever truly knows how someone will respond to pregnancy news, including their parents.

Do your best to share your news and listen. Try your best to listen well before responding.

If needed, give them time and space to process the news. If you don’t feel safe telling your parents alone due to an expected angry response, take a trusted friend, relative, or partner. In extreme cases, it may be best to share the news over the phone. 

Confirm Your Pregnancy

Be sure of your pregnancy details before sharing the news with your parents. Know how far along you are and if your pregnancy is healthy with an ultrasound

Our non-judgmental team is here to help you get the clarity you need about your pregnancy today. We offer no-cost medical-grade pregnancy testing and a limited ultrasound. We can also walk you through all your pregnancy options.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today. We’re here for you. 

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